I use this particular 'yellow' formula as I have very oily skin. I use this as the first step of my cleansing routine. The recommendation is to have 3 full pumps to massage the entire face without any water contact. Then apply some water and continue to massage as it turns to milk cleanser. Repeat the steps till it is clear.
Of course this is not the end of cleansing routine. I suggest to double cleanse your skin with another foam cleanser. Why I use this? Because it removes almost everything! I mean the entire face makeup. E.g. waterproof mascara, eyeshadows, waterproof eyeliner and long-stay foundation!

Here comes my second cleanser from Aqualabel (Shiseido). This is the more affordable version which available at Drugstores. To make sure the sediments of cleansing oil being remove properly, I also use the tool below. Yes, I use the scrubber daily, usually at night routine as I do double cleansing to remove makeup. The scrubber is available at Sasa Shop.
This product really change my skin texture. After using this, I can tell that my face has been significantly improved. Without this tool, even I use both products above, I will still suffer from clog pores...
This main 3 products I have been using for quite sometimes. I tried to change my cleansing routine few times to see that whether I can live without these products. The answer is I CAN'T~ Whenever I changed my routine, terrible acne attack me and it took a long long long period to recover. Once I use back these 3 combination, my face texture improve again. For my age now, I shouldn't take challenges and experiment with new product anymore.